Issue - meetings
Communal Heating Charges 2020/21
Meeting: 07/07/2020 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 54)
54 Communal Heating Charges 2020/21 PDF 90 KB
Additional documents:
That the changes to the current heating charges at Council properties with communal heating schemes, as outlined in Table 1, paragraph 1.07 of the report be noted.
The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) introduced the proposed heating charges at Council properties with communal heating schemes which would take effect from 31st August, 2020.
The proposed recharges for 2020/21, as set out in the report, were pending Cabinet approval. In the majority of cases, the recharge to tenants had reduced for 2020/21, which as in other years, would allow Flintshire to recover the projected costs of the heating charges whilst still passing on the benefit of reduced energy costs to tenants.
In response to questions around air source heat pumps and gas fire boilers, the Chief Officer outlined the benefits of air source heat pumps which draw air in to create a source of heat and which could be controlled independently by residents. Gas boilers would be replaced after installation which was in around 15-20 years’ time.
Councillor Shotton proposed that the Committee support the recommendation as outlined within the report. This was seconded by Councillor Kevin Rush.
That the changes to the current heating charges at Council properties with communal heating schemes, as outlined in Table 1, paragraph 1.07 of the report be noted.