Issue - meetings

Social Services Annual Report

Meeting: 16/07/2020 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 62)

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That the Annual Report be noted.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) presented the statutory annual report summarising his views on performance of the Council’s social care functions and priorities for improvement.  The report - which had been produced in an electronic friendly-style by Double Click Design & Print - would help to inform the Care Inspectorate Wales’ (CIW) performance evaluation of Social Services.


Members were introduced to Emma Murphy, the Planning & Development Officer, Commissioning & Performance, who described the approach to evaluating outcomes from last year’s priorities and identifying priorities for 2020/21.  Whilst detailing the challenges and achievements, the report highlighted the commitment and values of those working in social care to make a difference to people in Flintshire.


The Chair complimented officers and Double Click on the report.


The Chief Officer gave an overview of key achievements including the opening of Hwb Cyfle day care centre which had been shortlisted in three categories of the Constructing Excellence in Wales (CEW) Awards 2020.  He also highlighted continuing successes with the Progress for Providers programme and ongoing expansion of Marleyfield House care home.  The launch of the Multi Systemic Therapy team - a new initiative in partnership with Wrexham and the first model of this type in Wales - would help to improve the lives of young people.


As Cabinet Member, Councillor Jones referred to the challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and commended the achievements and the dedication of teams within the service to support adults and young people.  She went on to thank Double Click who were preparing to re-open their business.


As a Board member of Double Click, Councillor Cunningham conveyed his pride in the business and thanked the Council for its support.


In welcoming the findings of the report, Councillor Mackie raised issues on the formatting and presentation of the document which officers said were being addressed.  Officers noted Councillor Mackie’s request that reports should be accessible on all types of portable electronic devices, including mobile phones, and that showing the data behind percentages and comparison with previous or national performance would help to provide context.


Councillor Ellis said that the report lacked information on support for individuals with autism and raised concerns about a specific case relating to the withdrawal of out of county specialist services.


In response, the Senior Manager (Integrated Services, Lead Adults) said that the document would be reviewed to provide more clarity on autism services.  She gave assurances that the issue regarding the specialist facility was being addressed and that officers were engaging with families who were affected.


Councillor Hinds expressed her appreciation to the team for their work during the recent challenging period.  The Chief Officer would relay this to the teams.


The recommendation was moved by Councillor White and seconded by Councillor Dunbobbin.




That the Annual Report be noted.