Issue - meetings
Pandemic Emergency Response: Governance and Control Arrangements
Meeting: 23/07/2020 - Audit Committee (Item 65)
65 Pandemic Emergency Response: Governance and Control Arrangements PDF 321 KB
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The Chief Executive gave a presentation on the governance arrangements in place during the emergency response phase. The presentation covered the following areas:
· National Chronology
· Local Chronology
· Command Structure - Hierarchy / People and Groups
· Decision-making and Risk Management
· Financial Risk Management
· Recovery Planning
· Reflections
An overview of the governance structure showed the interaction between the Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) (Gold) and underlying tactical (Silver) and operational (bronze) groups, including Health & Social Care and Poverty whose work had been recognised at national level. Financial risk management was a significant area involving tracking and monitoring of all revenue and capital risks including loss of income. The Council was working closely with Welsh Government (WG) on financial risk profiling and accessing national emergency funding. Significant risks in approaching Quarter 2 were dependent upon new funding streams from WG and there were particular concerns about pressures arising from the Winter period such as those in the health sector. As part of recovery planning, the Member Recovery Board would receive the Recovery Strategy prior to normal democratic structure arrangements re-commencing in September.