Issue - meetings
061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in the main P
Meeting: 02/09/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 86)
As in report
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in, item 86 PDF 3 MB
- Enc. 2 for 061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in, item 86 PDF 16 MB
- Enc. 3 for 061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in, item 86 PDF 19 MB
- Enc. 4 for 061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in, item 86 PDF 141 KB
- Webcast for 061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in the main Pyllgwyn building & to improve the five existing holiday letting guest accommodation units in the stable range & creation of an additional single bed letting unit at the Pwllgwyn Hotel, Afonwen
That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report, in line with officer’s recommendations.