Issue - meetings

Terms of Reference of the Committee

Meeting: 24/09/2020 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Terms of Reference of the Committee pdf icon PDF 85 KB

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That the terms of reference, as agreed by Council and appended to the report, be noted.


The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the report to receive the revised terms of reference for the Committee as agreed by Council.  At the Council’s Annual Meeting, Chairs had been appointed to the five Overview & Scrutiny committees within the new structure with amended terms of reference.  Changes to the remit of this Committee included the addition of Libraries Culture and Heritage (including Archives and Museums), Leisure Services (including leisure and sports centres, swimming pools and recreational facilities), Theatr Clwyd and Aura (including Holywell Leisure Centre and Cambrian Aquatics). 


The recommendation was moved by David Hytch and seconded by Councillor Martin White. 




That the terms of reference, as agreed by Council and appended to the report, be noted.