Issue - meetings

Queensferry Campus – Capital investment Project

Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Queensferry Campus – Capital investment Project

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report which sought approval of a scheme, to bridge a funding gap through additional Council capital allocation, and to enter into a construction contract with Kier construction for the capital investment project at the campus, subject to Welsh Government (WG) approval of the full business case.


The 21st Century School investment project was valued above the funding available, and the report sought Cabinet approval to bridge the affordability gap of £217K.




(a)       That the Full Business Case be submitted to Welsh Government on the basis the project shortfall of £216,588 is met from an additional allocation in the Council’s capital programme; and


(b)       That subject to Welsh Government approval of the Business Case that the Council enter into a construction contract with Kier Construction (North West).