Issue - meetings
Childcare Capital Grant Update
Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 15)
15 Childcare Capital Grant Update PDF 112 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Prioritisation Scoring Framework for Childcare Capital Programme, item 15 PDF 54 KB
- Appendix 2 - Project Scoring Outcome, item 15 PDF 45 KB
- Webcast for Childcare Capital Grant Update
As detailed in the recommendations, with the inclusion of the following resolutions:
(3) That a decision on Trelawnyd VA School and Ysgol yr Esgob, Caerwys be deferred until the following month to allow them time to submit any new evidence; and
(4) That Ysgol y Llan VA School, Whitford, be moved from the reserve list to the projects approved list.
Councillor Jones introduced the report which provided details on the progress in delivering the Childcare Capital Programme, including the rationale used to prioritise projects.
Welsh Government (WG) made available Capital grant funding to support childcare provision. Projects had been prioritised to align with the funding allocation from WG. A co-ordinated approach was being taken to bring together a range of capital funding packages into a single programme to maximise investment. The programme co-ordinated the following funding streams: WG Childcare Grant; WG Welsh Medium Grant; 21st Century Schools; Flying Start and Flintshire County Council’s own capital funding.
The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) said the Council welcomed the investment from WG in the capital projects that would positively support children and their families by ensuring there was increased access to high quality early years provision. She confirmed that Ysgol y Llan VA School, Whitford, could move from the ‘reserve’ list into the ‘projects approved’ list and it was agreed that this form part of the resolution.
Councillor Roberts suggested an additional recommendation, that a decision on Trelawnyd VA School and Ysgol yr Esgob, Caerwys be deferred until the following month to allow them time to submit any new evidence, which was supported.
(a) That the contents of the report be noted and support be confirmed for the criteria used to prioritise projects within the programme;
(b) That a programme-based approach which aligned funding streams to co-ordinate ad maximise funding opportunities be endorsed;
(c) That a decision on Trelawnyd VA School and Ysgol yr Esgob, Caerwys be deferred until the following month to allow them time to submit any new evidence; and
(d) That Ysgol y Llan VA School, Whitford, be moved from the ‘reserve’ list to the ‘projects approved’ list.