Issue - meetings
Annual Performance Report 2019/20
Meeting: 20/10/2020 - Flintshire County Council (Item 17)
17 Annual Performance Report 2019/20 PDF 99 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Draft Annual Performance Report 2019/20, item 17 PDF 847 KB
- Enc. 2 - Council Plan 2019/20 Risk Register, item 17 PDF 312 KB
- Enc. 3 - Public Accountability Measures, item 17 PDF 88 KB
- Webcast for Annual Performance Report 2019/20
That the 2019/20 Annual Performance Report be approved, as recommended by Cabinet.
The Chief Executive introduced the report to endorse the 2019/20 Annual Performance Report, as recommended by Cabinet, to achieve publication by the deadline. This was a statutory report providing a retrospective overview of performance against priorities in the 2019/20 Council Plan, showing positive progress against key activities and performance indicator outturns.
The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer and Strategic Performance Advisor gave a presentation covering the following:
· Performance Overview 2019/20
· Progress against Council Priorities
· Progress against Sub-Priorities
· Highlights
· Areas for Improvement
· Well-being of Future Generations
· Performance Overview - Council Plan
· National Overview
· Performance Overview
· Next Steps
The performance overview demonstrated that good progress over recent years had been maintained in 2019/20. The four areas identified for improvement continued to be monitored, with progress already made on tackling homelessness and sickness absence.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Carolyn Thomas and seconded by Councillor Mullin. As Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside, Councillor Thomas paid tribute to the achievements in those areas. She thanked the Streetscene team and residents for strong performance against recycling targets and highlighted a range of positive outcomes such as the pothole patching programme, the delivery of highway schemes and various initiatives undertaken by the Countryside team. She also welcomed the work on climate change/carbon reduction which was a priority of the Council.
Councillor Richard Jones thanked the officers for the positive report. He said that in his view there should be more alignment between the objectives in the Well-being Plan and Council Plan which could be more in line with portfolios. In noting the expected downturn on the condition of A and B roads, he acknowledged that the improvement in C roads could be due to their inclusion in the pothole patching programme.
In response, the Chief Executive said that work had started on the Council Plan 2020/21 and these comments would be fully taken into account. The meeting in December would provide an opportunity to consider the format on how best to deliver the intent, content and values behind the Council Plan. Officers would provide clarification on the differing number of public accountability measures (PAMs) following the meeting.
During the item, a number of Members commended the range of achievements and thanked officers for their work during the pandemic.
Councillor Paul Shotton commended the team at Hwb Cyfle day care service in partnership with Home Farm Trust, together with the completion of construction work at Connah’s Quay High School.
Whilst noting the success of the Council’s Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP), Councillor Peers suggested that the Housing Strategy and Planning teams give detailed consideration to addressing the lack of affordable housing supply by the private sector. He asked about progress with the development of the North Wales Procurement Framework which was due to be live by August 2020. In response, the Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) shared a message in which he said that this referred to a new construction framework using local Welsh contractors to build housing for SHARP and ... view the full minutes text for item 17