Issue - meetings

Recovery Strategy Update (Streetscene and Transportation Portfolio)

Meeting: 13/10/2020 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

15 Recovery Strategy Update (Streetscene and Transportation Portfolio) pdf icon PDF 87 KB

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That the Committee considers and supports the progress made to support Recovery Strategy by the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) gave a brief update on the two elements of the report


  • The objectives for recovery for the portfolio
  • The portfolio risk register and the risk mitigation actions both live and planned


Councillor Evans asked if the opening hours of Housing and Recycling Centres could be extended past 5.00 pm to accommodate people who work and also questioned if the staff were able to assist you as it states on the website. The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) responded by saying that the opening times do change in the winter and the 5.00 pm closure was based upon footfall as the figures didn’t justify being open longer.  He added that he would be happy to do a local consultation with the visitors.  Also support was not being offered to users at present but if support was needed it could be booked via the Contact Centre.  The website would be updated once the arrangements had been reviewed.


In response to a questions raised by Councillor Owen Thomas the Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) advised that when a refuse vehicle needed repair and this resulted in a reduction in the number of vehicles on a round, local Members could be informed in the future.  He also agreed that the trees along the A541 would be assessed following the meeting. 


Councillor Hardcastle questioned as to whether the cycle path between Ewloe and Aston was going ahead. The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) advised that this was a trunk road proposal and that it was their responsibility to build it.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor Hutchinson about identifying additional provision for burial sites the Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) reported that the Hope site had been purchased by the Council and environmental studies were being undertaken before it could open possibly in the next 3 to 4 months.  He added that Hawarden was a challenge due to problems with the land owner not wanting to sell although an alternative site has been identified which was local to the existing site with adequate space for a number of years.  Buckley was more of a challenge but was committed to finding a solution.  None were at a critical stage where there was no provision.  .


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor David Evans and seconded by Councillor Dennis Hutchinson.




That the Committee considers and supports the progress made to support Recovery Strategy by the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio.