Issue - meetings

Recovery Strategy Update

Meeting: 16/12/2020 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 26)

26 Recovery Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 101 KB

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That the updated Risk Register and Risk Mitigation Actions, as outlined within the report, be noted.


The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) introduced the Recovery Strategy update and advised of the risks which had been amended since the last meeting.  The risk trend around Homelessness and its impact on workforce capacity had been increased due to the increase in homelessness presentations.  In relation to the backlogged voids impacting negatively on the New Homes Business Plan, this risk had also been increased due to properties taking longer to let due to available appointments to view and void repair delays.   


The recommendation outlined within the report was moved by Councillor Mared Eastwood and seconded by Councillor Geoff Collett.




That the updated Risk Register and Risk Mitigation Actions, as outlined within the report, be noted.