Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2020/21(E&E)

Meeting: 09/02/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)

40 Council Plan 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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That the Committee notes the further developed themes of the Council Plan 2021/22 prior to sharing with Cabinet in March 2021. 


The Chair introduced a report on  the proposed Council Plan for 2020/21 with specific focus on the Committee’s respective portfolios.  She invited the Strategic Performance Advisor to present the Plan. 


The Strategic Performance Advisor provided background information and reported that the Plan had a refreshed structure of six themes and supporting priorities, as detailed in the report,  which set ambition with measured realism. He explained that the work on the priorities had progressed well and the draft Plan (Part 1) was appended to the report.  He advised that  Cabinet had agreed to the content and all Scrutiny Committees were  to be consulted over the next cycle.  Following this consultation the Plan would be presented to Cabinet in the second stage prior to adoption by County Council in April/May.


The Chief Officer  (Streetscene & Transportation) reported on the main areas where Streetscene and Transportation supported the Council Plan.  He referred to the Green Society and Environment, Active and Sustainable travel growth, development of the County’s electric vehicle charging points, achieving safety targets, developing waste transfer stations as standard, composting facility at Greenfield, supporting the Re-use and Repair Café under construction and supporting the Authority’s need to abolish some of its plastic use.  He also reported on work to develop a transport infrastructure to sustain economic growth. 


The Chief Officer (Planning, Economy & Environment) reported on Town Centre Regeneration, Business support, Local Development Plan targets, reducing worklessness, and spending money for the benefit of Flintshire.


The Chair referred to the priority Child Poverty and commented that there was a need to raise awareness on parental entitlement to claim free school meals.  She also referred to Housing Needs and asked if residents in rent arrears were prevented from swapping to a smaller property to meet their needs.  The Strategic Performance Advisor agreed to pursue the matters raised and respond to Councillor Dolphin following the meeting.



The Strategic Performance Advisor explained the process for reviewing progress of the Plan once adopted and said a performance report on  the whole Plan would be presented to each Overview & Scrutiny Committee with the relevant areas highlighted for consideration.


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Chris Dolphin and seconded by Councillor Owen Thomas.




That the Committee notes the further developed themes of the Council Plan 2021/22 prior to sharing with Cabinet in March 2021.