Issue - meetings
Community Transformation Project Update
Meeting: 03/12/2020 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)
19 Community Transformation Project Update PDF 121 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - North Wales bid on a page, item 19 PDF 248 KB
- Enc. 2 - East Area Community Model, item 19 PDF 302 KB
- Webcast for Community Transformation Project Update
That the Committee supports and is assured that the
key areas being developed as part of the Transformation programme
are appropriate and will support local needs in Flintshire;
(b) That the Committee acknowledges that the impact of the CSTP will be affected by a reduced level of funding for 2021/22 and that the detail to prioritise activity in 2021/22 is ongoing at the time of writing this report
Senior Manager – Integrated Services and Lead Adults introduce the Wellbeing and Partnership Lead who took us through the report which gave an update on the change in programme to the Community Services Transformation Project which is one of 4 for North Wales. She pointed out that the impact of the emergency situation had been significant with the workforce and financial resources being diverted to respond to the initial emergency responses work.
The Chairman raised concern about a vacancy that had been vacant since the end of October. The Wellbeing and Partnership Lead advised that the post was currently on hold due to the reduction in funding for next year pointing out that now was not an opportune moment to bring in a new member of staff when potentially it would have to end in March.
Councillor Bateman was pleased about the Dementia Respite Support Service. A new service of Support Workers spending evenings and overnight in an individual’s home for up to 2 consecutive nights when their needs were escalated to save moving the patient.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) thanked the Wellbeing and Partnership Lead for her tremendous work. He added that the Transformation Programme was very hastily adapted to support the response to the emergency situation.
The Wellbeing and Partnership Lead added that on a regional level there had been some work through the Community Transformation Programme that was specifically around supporting primarily older people. A number of ipads had been purchased and made available to older people with plans to help them with virtual consultations with Consultants in hospitals and also to help to tackle some loneliness and isolation. Ongoing work was being undertaken to recruit digital champions.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.
That the Committee supports and is assured that the
key areas being developed as part of the Transformation programme
are appropriate and will support local needs in Flintshire;
(b) That the Committee acknowledges that the impact of the CSTP will be affected by a reduced level of funding for 2021/22 and that the detail to prioritise activity in 2021/22 is ongoing at the time of writing this report