Issue - meetings

Annual Review of the Modern Slavery Statement

Meeting: 15/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 64)

64 Annual Review of the Modern Slavery Statement pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


            The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report and explained that the Council spent approximately £197m each year purchasing goods, services and works.  The Council sought to ensure that it’s spend was with organisations that shared similar ethical values and, in particular, with organisations that did not seek to exploit or impose unfair conditions on their workers.  The Council’s commitment and activity to that end were set out in its Modern Slavery Statement.


            The Council had made some progress in implementing the actions promised in last year’s statement and had now established the key processes such as contractual and procurement clauses prohibiting unethical employment practices within the supply chain.  Inevitably due to demands on officer time it had not been possible to carry out all of the training and awareness raising that was anticipated and it would therefore form the focus for activity over the coming 12 months.


            Members welcomed the report and recognised the importance of the subject.  Councillor Jones said she had attended three training sessions, along with Councillor Mullin, and recommended that other Members also attend such training.


            In response to a question from Councillor Bithell, the Chief Officer (Governance) said that where purchases extended beyond a UK contract, it was a requirement to also establish what those companies had within their supply chains.




That the Modern Slavery Statement be approved and published.