Issue - meetings

Risk Management Framework

Meeting: 18/11/2020 - Audit Committee (Item 9)

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That the Committee is assured by the renewed risk management framework and the progress of its implementation.


The Chief Executive presented a report on progress with implementing the updated risk management framework, shared with the Committee earlier in the year, which had been impacted by the emergency situation.


The updated framework was to introduce a more systematic approach to identifying and escalating risk which was viewed as best practice.  The robust approach to risk reporting during the emergency situation had been supported by Members and regulators.  As part of regular reviews, corporate governance arrangements in the document would be strengthened to more clearly reflect the escalation of high level risks to Members.


The Strategic Performance Advisor said that the range of consultation on the framework had helped to ensure a clearer understanding of the system for escalating risks.  The new risk registers, which had been accelerated during the emergency situation, were subject to regular scrutiny.


The Internal Audit Manager provided an overview of advisory work carried out by her team which helped to give assurance on the robustness of risk management arrangements.


Sally Ellis spoke about the importance of ensuring that risk processes and escalation formed part of Overview & Scrutiny reports.  As mentioned, the Chief Executive said that these areas would be highlighted in the document.  He cited school reserve balances as an example where Members and officers should be proactive about the risks and that effective forward work programming was key to risk management.


In response to a question from Allan Rainford, officers clarified the process to capture and monitor risks to ensure that mitigation and controls were updated.  Whilst the Chief Officer detailed the process for the review, challenge and publication of risk registers, the Chief Executive spoke of the importance of prompt escalation of risks from operational to corporate.


When asked by Councillor Johnson about applying the framework during the emergency situation, the Chief Executive praised the level of ownership on risks and joint work on mitigating actions.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Dunbobbin and Johnson.




That the Committee is assured by the renewed risk management framework and the progress of its implementation.