Issue - meetings

Establishment of Sport North Wales Partnership

Meeting: 17/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Establishment of Sport North Wales Partnership pdf icon PDF 122 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report which sought approval for the Council to be a partner in the Sport North Wales (SNW) Partnership.


SNW was a national organisation responsible for increasing participation and improving performance in sport in Wales, and one which had historically provided annual funding to each local authority and other partners to undertake a number of sporting programmes and interventions across North Wales.  They had included Active Young People and the Free Swimming Initiative.


The vision for SNW was to develop an Active Nation supported by the Sport Wales Strategy.  In response to this Strategy a collaborative partnership was established in 2018 and was tasked with developing a shared vision and business case.  That led to the formation of SNW with 13 regional partners.


It was proposed that there would be five regional organisations across Wales in the future, with SNW being the pilot region.  The business case had been submitted to Sport Wales with a decision due by their Board later this month.  All 13 partners were being invited to formally support the formation of SNW under a local authority ‘hosted model’. 


The Chief Executive explained that the governance agreement and business case were appended to the report.  Aura was co-leading on the project with Conwy County Borough Council being the host authority.  There would be two Governance Boards and there would be a requirement for Council representation.


Councillor Bithell welcomed the report and looked forward to its success.




            That Cabinet support the establishment of Sport North Wales Partnership (SNW).