Issue - meetings

Youth Services

Meeting: 17/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 48)

48 Youth Services pdf icon PDF 140 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report and explained that Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision (FIYP) was innovating services for young people.


The innovation reflected the impacts of, and lessons from, the pandemic emergency response and changes to national and local context.  It represented a next step in the Council’s corporate Recovery Strategy for the pandemic emergency response.


FIYP proposed a blended service offering that prioritised:


  1. Digital and remote engagement with young people;
  2. Targeted prevention work within communities and with partners to build resilience and well-being for more vulnerable children and young people;
  3. Equity for Welsh medium provision across all FIYP services;
  4. Partnership work with schools to support young people at risk of not engaging with education; and
  5. Support for staff and quality practices.


The proposal delivered potential annual savings of £98.6K, representing a 49% saving on premises and 20% on staff.


The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) explained that the FIYP would consult young people, FIYP and Council staff and statutory and community partners about proposals in the period ending January 2021.  That consultation would inform the development of a FIYP Plan 2021/2024, for launch in quarter 1 2021/2022.


The pandemic had changed the way in which services were delivered as youth clubs, outreach services, community-based activities and most school had closed.  FIYP adapted quickly and introduced a number of things which were outlined in the report.  FIYP service development would embed lessons from the pandemic response to realise the vision of the Youth Work Strategy for Wales 2019.


            In response to a question from Councillor Thomas, the Chief Officer (Education and Youth) confirmed that Town and Community Councils would be included in the consultation.


            The Chief Executive added the report had been considered at Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee where it was well received and the need for change was recognised. 




That Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision consultation on developing the Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision Plan 2021/2024 be approved.