Issue - meetings
Blended Learning
Meeting: 17/12/2020 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 24)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - GwE Report on Blended Learning in Flintshire, item 24 PDF 108 KB
- Webcast for Blended Learning
(a) That the Committee acknowledges the strong partnership working between Flintshire Schools and GwE which has established successful approaches to blended learning for the benefit of learners during the pandemic;
(b) That the Committee is assured of the quality of blended learning in Flintshire Schools to date and notes the positive impact on the professional development of the schools’ workforce to meet this new approach to teaching and learning and commends members of the workforce in meeting the challenges;
(c) That the Committee welcomes the significant investment by Welsh Government in schools’ digital infrastructure but acknowledges this is an area of ever increasing demand to ensure the effective delivery of blended learning moving forward; and
(d) That the Chairman writes to schools’ on behalf of the Committee to thank them for their work and dedication throughout the emergency situation to the benefit of learners.
The Chair welcomed Jane Borthwick to the meeting, who had recently been seconded to the Education portfolio to provide additional support undertaking the role of Primary Learning Advisor. He also welcomed David Edwards and Martyn Froggett from GwE to the meeting.
The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) introduced the blended learning report, advising that the Covid-19 pandemic had accelerated the introduction of a blended learning approach in Flintshire schools. The report provided an overview on how blended learning was progressing and the appendices to the report outlined the good practices undertaken across Flintshire schools.
The Chief Officer greatly appreciated of the support provided by the Regional School Improvement Service (GwE) to staff and learners which had enabled staff at schools to improve their digital skills, their knowledge of different ways learning could be delivered and the variety of learning platforms available. The report provided an overview of how this approach had been developed since March, 2020 and what had been achieved. The Chief Officer referred to the significant £50m investment by Welsh Government (WG) through the Hwb Programme and the support provided to learners who did not have electronic devices or broadband via the Hwb and the Council to enable them to access the online offer.
David Edwards and Martyn Froggett provided a detailed presentation which covered the following areas:-
· Blended Learning
· Why was Blended Learning being focused on now?
· What does Blended Learning look like?
· The four principles
· What does Blended Learning look like in practice
· Next Steps
· Blended Learning in High Schools
· Planning for Blended Learning
· Progress so far
It was agreed that a copy of the presentation slides be circulated to the Committee following the meeting.
The Chair and Leader of the Council thanked David Edwards and Martyn Froggett for the work they had undertaken in supporting schools during the emergency situation and congratulated all school staff for their hard work in meeting the challenge.
Councillor Dave Mackie thanked the officers for the presentation and report. He commented on the Estyn review of how schools and local authorities had been supporting learners during the emergency situation and asked that the feedback from Estyn be shared with the Committee. He also commented on the concern around children who did not have access to broadband or digital devices and the negative impact this would have on their education. The Chief Officer confirmed that the formal feedback letter on blended learning from Estyn would be presented to the Committee in the new year.
In response to the concerns around learners accessing education services, the Primary Learner Advisor advised that work was being undertaken to carry out an assessment to identify the levels of access to devices and broadband for learners across Flintshire. The outcome of this assessment could be presented to the Committee, at a later date, as part of the update report on the Hwb Digital Programme for Wales. The Chief Officer confirmed that a large number of devices had been provided to schools to distribute to learners who did ... view the full minutes text for item 24