Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme
Meeting: 11/03/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 68)
68 Forward Work Programme PDF 79 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be approved; and
(b) That the Head of Democratic Services, in consultation with the Committee Chairman, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises.
In presenting the report, the Head of Democratic Services reminded Members that all Overview & Scrutiny Committee meetings in April would be cancelled to provide support to the Elections. As there were no items currently scheduled for the next meeting of the Committee on 13 May, the Chairman had agreed that a briefing on Social Values could be held on that date. An indicative forward work programme for the 2021/22 municipal year would be shared at the June meeting.
Councillor Richard Jones requested an early item on the Poverty theme within the Council Plan, which was now under the remit of this Committee. The Head of Democratic Services advised that this would be scheduled for June or July, together with an update on the North Wales Economic Ambition Board. In response to Councillor Jones’ request for items on service balances within the budget and reasons for earmarked reserves, the Corporate Finance Manager said that this additional information would be incorporated into the revenue budget final outturn report to be received in June.
The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Kevin Rush and Geoff Collett.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be approved; and
(b) That the Head of Democratic Services, in consultation with the Committee Chairman, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises.