Issue - meetings

Arosfa update

Meeting: 04/03/2021 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 35)

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That the Committee notes the refurbishment that has been achieved and supports progress to the next phase of service modelling and the opening of the provision, once the appropriate regulatory conditions have been met.


The Senior Manager – Children and Workforce introduced a report to provide an update on the Arosfa refurbishment.  He provided background information and explained that an unused wing of the building had been refurbished to provide two additional bed spaces.  He reported that the building work was  completed and work on the internal furnishings in progress.  Action for Children are working to extend staff capacity and secure the requisite approval from CIW to expand the service.  He advised that an assessment was currently being undertaken to identify the children/families that would most benefit from the provision and associated support model.  The Resources Service Manager commented that the work undertaken was of a high standard and designed to meet the complex needs of the children who used the service. 


In response to a question by Councillor Paul Cunningham on out of county placements, the Senior Manager explained that timely and appropriate support could help families stay together and reduce the risk of breakdown.  The Service was actively seeking to identify those families where such support would help avoid out of county placements. 


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Mike Lowe  and seconded by Councillor Jean Davies.




That the Committee notes the refurbishment that has been achieved and supports progress to the next phase of service modelling and the opening of the provision, once the appropriate regulatory conditions have been met.