Issue - meetings

Aura – Renewal of Service Contract

Meeting: 19/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 86)

Aura – Renewal of Service Contract

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report which sought to extend the service contract between the Council and Aura for a further two years by mutual agreement.  Cabinet was also recommended to grant the Chief Executive authority to make variations to the terms of the current agreement and the level of the service contract payment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, within the areas set out within the report.  It was noted that any variations would have to be affordable and within the tolerances of the Council Fund Revenue Budget 2020/21.


            The Chief Executive reported that Aura had largely been successful in achieving the aims and objectives of the service contract and that its business plan and had matured as an organisation under an independent management model.  The Council enjoyed a close and mutually supportive relationship with Aura under an established partnership agreement with protocols for joint working and decision-making.  It was essential that the Council played its part in ensuring that Aura was suitably funded for it to continue to be a sustainable and competitive organisation as it emerged from the pandemic situation.        




(a)       That Cabinet agrees to a further and final extension of the service agreement with Aura to 31 March 2024; and


(b)       That the Chief Executive be granted authority to make variations to the terms of the current agreement and the level of the service payment as set out in the report, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education & Youth.