Issue - meetings

Recovery Strategy Update (CH&A)

Meeting: 10/03/2021 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 50)

50 Recovery Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To provide oversight on the recovery planning for the Committee’s respective portfolio(s).


Additional documents:


That the updated Risk Register and Risk Mitigation Actions, as outlined within the report, be noted.


The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) introduced a report to provide an oversight on the recovery planning for the Committee’s respective portfolios.  He referred to the portfolio risk register and risk mitigation actions which were appended to the report and reported on the following red risks:  CF14, HA04, HA06, CP03, HA27, HA30, and HA33.


The Chair referred to risk CP11 (costs and complexities with the return and reinstatement of Deeside Leisure Centre due to an extended period of use as an emergency hospital) and asked if the cost of reinstatement was to be funded by the Council or the Health Service.  The Chief Officer explained that the Rainbow Hospital was moving into a phase of planning for reinstatement as the regional vaccination programme diminished.  As part of the reinstatement programme the Council would explore the options available for the provision of its leisure and other services in the future on site.   


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson asked if consideration might be given to joint use of the site by the County Council and BCUHB if provision of a leisure centre and hospital services continued to be needed in the future.   The Chief Officer advised that the intention was to reinstate Deeside Leisure Centre to the same position and provision of leisure services as before the Rainbow Hospital was created on site.


The recommendation was moved by Councillor Dennis Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Geoff Collett. 




That the updated Risk Register and Risk Mitigation Actions, as outlined within the report, be noted.