Issue - meetings
End of Year Performance Monitoring Report
Meeting: 10/06/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)
8 End of Year Performance Monitoring Report PDF 107 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: End of Year Performance Monitoring Report 2020-21, item 8
- Webcast for End of Year Performance Monitoring Report
(a) That the Committee accepts the End of Year Performance Monitoring Report and will monitor areas where there is under performance and request further information as appropriate; and
(b) That the Committee is assured by the explanations given for under performance, which in the main are explained by the interruption of the pandemic.
The Chief Executive introduced the end of year monitoring report to review year-end progress against corporate priorities relevant to the Committee as set out in the Council’s Reporting Measures 2020/21. Overall this was a positive report given the challenges from the emergency situation, with 67% of performance indicators meeting or exceeding targets.
In presenting the report, the Strategic Performance Advisor spoke about the impact from the emergency on targets and trends. He said that the data demonstrated that the Council had maintained a good track record on performance and effective planning whilst remaining ambitious.
Councillor Richard Jones said that the effects from the emergency period made it difficult to compare performance to that in previous years.
The Chief Executive said that some performance targets had been adapted during the period and that one of the objectives for recovery was to re-set all targets and to resume forward planning.
Following positive comments from Councillor Patrick Heesom on the format of the published report, officers thanked the Strategic Performance Advisor for his work in collating and presenting the data in a readable format.
The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Heesom and Shotton.
(a) That the Committee accepts the End of Year Performance Monitoring Report and will monitor areas where there is under performance and request further information as appropriate; and
(b) That the Committee is assured by the explanations given for under performance, which in the main are explained by the interruption of the pandemic.