Issue - meetings
Audit Wales - Audit Plan 2021
Meeting: 24/03/2021 - Audit Committee (Item 40)
40 Audit Wales - Audit Plan 2021 PDF 85 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Audit Wales - Audit Plan 2021, item 40
PDF 323 KB
- Webcast for Audit Wales - Audit Plan 2021
That the Audit Wales Plan be noted.
The Chief Executive introduced the Audit Wales (AW) Audit Plan for 2021 which set out the arrangements and responsibilities for proposed audit work for the Council during the year with timescales, costs and the audit teams responsible for carrying out the work.
The Corporate Finance Manager confirmed his support for the content of the Audit Plan on which officers had been consulted.
In presenting the report, Gwilym Bury of AW drew attention to the initial timetable given for the completion of the audit work which could potentially be affected by the emergency situation. Audit fees for accounts and performance audit work remained unchanged from last year, with the proposed fee for grant certification work dependant on the degree of audit required.
In response to a question from Allan Rainford, Gwilym Bury advised that AW work on financial resilience under the 2021/21 Audit Plan was due to commence and that the findings for Flintshire would be reported later in the year.
The Chief Executive explained that the reports would also be shared with the Committee and the findings built into financial planning. He said that the Council’s financial strategy would largely remain the same to protect services and to continue the case for improved Settlements from Welsh Government.
Following a query by Councillor Paul Johnson, Gwilym Bury provided background on the need for councils to comply with sustainable development principles as set out in legislation.
The recommendation was moved by Councillor Geoff Collett and seconded by Sally Ellis.
That the Audit Wales Plan be noted.