Issue - meetings

North Wales Adoption Service Update

Meeting: 27/05/2021 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 North Wales Adoption Service Update pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee note the activities and work of the NWAS; and


(b)       That the Committee are assured that those impacted by adoption receive safe, timely and appropriate interventions.


The Children’s Resource Manager introduced the report provide an update on the activities and development of the North Wales Adoption Service (NWAS) for the period April 2020-March 2021.  He commented on the impact of COVID 19 and advised that nevertheless the NWAS was meeting its targets and demonstrating a high level of performance. 


The Children’s Resource Manager reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report, and  referred to market and recruitment, training, prospective adopters in assessment, children open for adoption, the adoption panel, staffing, and post adoption support services.   He reported that the National Adoption Service for Wales – Evaluation of the Adoption Support Framework, Final Report, February 2021, was appended to the report.  In summary the Children’s Resource Manager advised that the NWAS was making significant progress and delivering high quality, robust, and timely services at a local level in the adoption service. 


Members spoke in support of the work of the NWAS and thanked Children’s Resource Manager for his hard work and a comprehensive report.


Councillor Dave Mackie expressed concerns around the impact that turn-over in social workers had on adoptive children and young people, adoptive parents, and foster carers, and commented on the effect of lack of continuity.  Referring to page 255 of the report, Councillor Mackie asked a question around the support provided to adopted children and young people in schools and colleges. The Children’s Resource Manager explained that the additional needs of adopted children and young people was understood and said schools were informed of the child’s background and ‘journey’.  He gave reassurance that collaborative work was undertaken with schools to provide ongoing support to the adopted child/young person and commented that no significant concerns had been raised by schools in Flintshire regarding the behaviour of children or young people who were adopted. The Children’s Resource Manager also responded to the question raised by Councillor Mackie around post adoption support services and commented that work around the complex issues involved was continuing to improve and being embedded in daily practice


In response to the question raised by Councillor Mackie regarding staff turnover, the Senior Manager – Children and Workforce, commented on the challenge of recruitment and retention of social workers and explained that North Wales had set up a task and finish group to look at how to attract and retain social workers in Children’s Services and work was in progress to meet social workers to discuss how best to support their needs, professional career, and well-being with local authorities.   He said local work had also been undertaken to expand the career opportunities and structure for social workers. 


In response to further comments from the Chair and Councillor Dave Mackie, the Senior Manager – Children and Workforce, suggested that young people be asked to discuss what was important to them during a meeting of the Children’s Services Forum, and their responses be brought back to the Committee for consideration. 


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Paul Cunningham and seconded by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8