Issue - meetings
Access Team Performance 2019/20 and 2020/21
Meeting: 12/05/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 56)
56 Access Team Performance 2019/20 and 2020/21 PDF 133 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Access Team Performance 2019/20 and 2020/21, item 56
- Webcast for Access Team Performance 2019/20 and 2020/21
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the Committee support the good work of the Access Team in managing, maintaining and developing Flintshire’s Right of Way network.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) introduced the report to inform the Committee of the progress of the Access Team over the last two years and highlight its performance in managing and maintaining the network and developing access opportunities for health, wellbeing and outdoor recreation.
The Access and Natural Environment Manager provided background information. He presented the report which detailed the measures of performance over 2019/20 and 2020/21, in particular looking at how the Access Team had responded during the Covid 19 pandemic and adapted to network needs during the lockdowns.
Councillor David Evans referred to the closure of public footpaths, as outlined in section 1.05 of the report, and asked for an update on the current situation. The Team Leader - Access advised that all the footpaths had reopened. Officers also responded to the further questions raised by Councillor Evans concerning footpaths, bridleways, and inspection of footpaths. Councillor Evans suggested that Members be trained to voluntary inspect footpaths in their Wards to assist the Service. The Access and Natural Environment Manager welcomed the suggestion that Members and volunteers highlight any issues with footpaths in their areas to enable problems to be resolved by the Access Team as they arise.
Councillor Chris Dolphin commended the Access and Natural Environment Manager and his team on their hard work and achievements.
Councillor Paul Shotton commended the work of the rangers on the coastal path and referred to the increase in public use of the coastal path due to the pandemic. He commented on the voluntary work of the Deeside litter picking group which he said had done sterling work in clearing the coastal path area. Councillor Vicky Perfect also spoke in praise of the voluntary work of the Flint litter picking group.
Councillor Owen Thomas expressed concerns around the cost of maintaining footpaths which were not used at the expense of those in regular use and therefore required frequent maintenance. He asked if town and community councils were involved in the upkeep and decision-making around footpaths/rights of way.
Councillor Dennis Hutchinson referred to matters relating to footpaths and landfill sites in the Buckley area and specifically the Standard landfill site. The Access and Natural Environment Manager responded to the concerns raised by Councillor Hutchinson and explained that work was in hand on the specific footpaths/rights of way he had referred to, in order to bring up to the required standard.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) drew attention to a quotation in section 3.01 of the report from the Ramblers Association Flintshire which he said reflected the very positive relationship between Flintshire Ramblers Association and the County Council Rights of Way team, and expressed thanks and congratulations to the Access and Natural Environment Manager, Team Leader – Access, and their staff on their hard work and achievements.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor David Evans and seconded by Councillor Pal Shotton.
a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the Committee support the good work of the ... view the full minutes text for item 56