Issue - meetings

Risk Management Update

Meeting: 17/11/2021 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 35)

35 Risk Management Update pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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That the Committee is assured that the updated risk management framework is comprehensive and functional.


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report to update the Committee on changes to the risk management framework to ensure the allocation of significant risks to the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The Strategic Performance Advisor detailed the development of the framework which included a section on risk escalation previously shared with the Committee.  Each of the 37 risks of significance reported to the Governance & Audit/Overview & Scrutiny liaison group had been incorporated into forward work programmes, with links to the Recovery Committee as appropriate.  The framework was a live document to be kept updated and the new performance system would enable dashboard information to be shared at future meetings.


In thanking officers for their work, Sally Ellis suggested more clarity in the reporting mechanism to include the outcome of the most recent review of the risk to enable Overview & Scrutiny Committees to assess any movement and possible escalation.


The Chief Officer (Governance) said that corporate risks were reported to the Recovery Committee and that a more co-ordinated approach involving Overview & Scrutiny Facilitators would help to allocate risks accordingly.


The Strategic Performance Advisor spoke about his involvement with the Recovery Committee in allocating risks which mainly applied over the longer term.  As requested by the Chair, he agreed to seek assurance from Overview & Scrutiny Facilitators on their role in the process.


In response to a question from Allan Rainford, the Strategic Performance Advisor said that the ‘outcome’ column of the document would be updated to clarify where risks were being reported.


Councillor Paul Johnson highlighted the collective responsibilities on risk management involving the Committee, elected Members, Overview & Scrutiny and senior officers.


The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager advised that risk management would form part of the induction programme for the next Council term following the Elections.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Geoff Collett and Janet Axworthy.




That the Committee is assured that the updated risk management framework is comprehensive and functional.