Issue - meetings

Welsh Government White Paper Consultation - Rebalancing Care and Support

Meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Welsh Government White Paper Consultation - Rebalancing Care and Support pdf icon PDF 121 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Jones introduced the report and explained that Welsh Government (WG) were seeking Local Authority views on proposals to introduce new legislation that addressed the complexity of current local commissioning processes and refocussed priorities for the commissioning of care and support.


From the case for change, three critical areas emerged where WG believed focussed action was needed to deliver system-wide improvement to secure the vision for social care:


·         Refocusing the fundamentals of the care market – away from the price towards quality and value;

·         Reorientation of commissioning practices – towards managing the market and focusing on outcomes; and

·         Evolution of integration mechanisms – focusing on joint planning and delivery.


            The Chief Officer (Social Services) said that through actions in those areas, the White Paper sought to rebalance the care and support market based on a clear national framework where services were organised regionally and delivered locally.  In doing so, they aimed to rebalance social care so that there was neither an over reliance on private sector, or a monopoly in the other direction.




That the consultation response to the White Paper be submitted.