Issue - meetings

Arosfa Update

Meeting: 18/05/2021 - Cabinet (Item 134)

134 Arosfa Update pdf icon PDF 97 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Jones introduced the report and explained that Arosfa was a well-established service providing short term breaks / respite for children with disabilities.  The unused left wing at Arosfa had been refurbished to provide two additional places at the facility, and those places brought capacity to accommodate up to four children using flexible care and shared care models.


            The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that the additional service was in addition to the current short break respite provision for up to three children at any one time.  Together, the plans would enable the Council to support a maximum of four children at any one time.


            The provision of an additional two places for shared care respite would form part of the Council’s strategic intent to reduce reliance on expensive Out of County Placements, and would enable Flintshire to support children and young people within the county.  That would increase the current capacity Flintshire had to offer and more respite care provision within the vision for strategic ambition.




That the progress made at Arosfa be recognised, and the opportunity to provide additional flexible support for up to four children and their families, with the aim of keeping families together and closer to home, be supported.