Issue - meetings

Constitutional Issues including Committees

Meeting: 25/05/2021 - Flintshire County Council (Item 8)

8 Constitutional Issues including Committees pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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(i)        Appointment of Committees


That Council appoints the following Committees:


Appeals Committee;

Clwyd Pension Fund Committee;

Constitution and Democratic Services Committee;

Governance and Audit Committee;

Grievance Committee;

Grievance Appeals Committee;

Investigation and Disciplinary Committee;

Joint Governance Committee (for Pensions);

Licensing Committee;

Planning Committee;

Recovery Committee;

Standards Committee; and

The five Overview & Scrutiny Committees listed in the report. 


(ii)        Determination of the size of Committees


That the size of each committee be as set out in paragraph 1.04 of the report.


(iii)       Terms of Reference of Committees


That the terms of reference for each Committee as set out in the Constitution be approved.


(iv)      Political Balance


That the seats be allocated in accordance with political balance as set out in appendix 2 to the report and the rules on membership of the Committees as set out in paragraphs 1.08 – 1.14 of the report, and that the seats on the Grievance, Grievance Appeals and Investigation and Disciplinary Committees be allocated to give a broad political spread of membership. 


(v)       Appointment of Chairs of Standing Committees


(a)       That the Chairs of the following Committees be appointed (noting any restrictions on eligibility):


·             Clwyd Pension Fund Committee - Councillor Ted Palmer

·             Constitution and Democratic Services Committee - Councillor Neville Phillips

·             Licensing Committee - Councillor Tony Sharps

·             Planning Committee - Councillor David Wisinger

·             Recovery Committee – Councillor Richard Jones


(b)       That the Grievance Committee, the Grievance Appeals Committee and Investigation & Disciplinary Committee should each appoint its own Chair from amongst its membership; and


(c)        That the following groups be allocated the chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees as outlined:


Community, Housing & Assets                 Labour (Councillor Ian Dunbar)

Education, Youth & Culture          Labour (Councillor David Healey)

Corporate Resources                      Conservative

Environment & Economy               Independent Alliance

Social & Health Care                      Liberal Democrat


(vi)      Approval of the Constitution


That the rules, procedures, delegations and codes/protocols within the Constitution be approved, including the temporary changes to the rules of procedure to accommodate virtual meetings.


(vii)     Nominations to Internal Bodies


That the make-up of the Appointments Committee be approved.


(viii)    Standards Committee


That the composition and membership of the Standards Committee be noted, including the change to membership of Councillor Gladys Healey replacing Councillor Paul Johnson.


(ix)      Appointments to Outside Bodies


That Council notes the nominees to Outside Bodies that have been appointed for the whole Council terms and the Chief Executive’s power to vary those nominations (in consultation with Group Leaders).




The Council considered the report of the Chief Officer (Governance) which dealt with matters that required decision at the Annual Meeting of the County Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 1.1 (vii) - (xiv). 


The report proposed the creation of a new Recovery Committee to oversee the vital work of helping the Council to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The report also dealt with the appointment of other Committees and chairs and other issues such as allocation of seats, under political balance.


The report was split into sections, each one dealing with one decision that needed to be made and the relevant issues for consideration.  Each section was considered and voted on in turn.


(i)        Appointment of Committees


The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the Constitution provided for the appointment of the following: Appeals Committee; Clwyd Pension Fund Committee; Constitution and Democratic Services Committee; Governance and Audit Committee; Grievance Committee; Grievance Appeals Committee; Investigation and Disciplinary Committee; Joint Governance Committee (for Pensions); Licensing Committee; Planning Committee; Recovery Committee; Standards Committee; and the five Overview & Scrutiny Committees. 


Councillor Ian Roberts moved approval of the recommendation in the report which was seconded by Councillor Billy Mullin.




That Council appoints the following Committees:


Appeals Committee;

Clwyd Pension Fund Committee;

Constitution and Democratic Services Committee;

Governance and Audit Committee;

Grievance Committee;

Grievance Appeals Committee;

Investigation and Disciplinary Committee;

Joint Governance Committee (for Pensions);

Licensing Committee;

Planning Committee;

Recovery Committee;

Standards Committee; and

The five Overview & Scrutiny Committees listed in the report. 


(ii)        Determination of the size of Committees


The Chief Officer explained that the size of each committee must be decided at the Annual Meeting.  Council had previously agreed that the major Committees should be large enough for all political groups to be represented.


Councillor Ian Roberts moved approval of the recommendation in the report which was seconded by Councillor Billy Mullin.




That the size of each committee be as set out in paragraph 1.04 of the report.



(iii)       Terms of Reference of Committees


The Chief Officer explained that the Annual Meeting was required to decide the terms of reference of the Committees that it appointed.  The terms of reference for the Recovery Committee were appended to the report.


Councillor Ian Roberts moved approval of the recommendation in the report which was seconded by Councillor Billy Mullin.




That the terms of reference for each Committee as set out in the Constitution be approved.


(iv)      Political Balance


The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that at, or as soon as practicable after the Annual Meeting, the Council was required to decide the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the Political Balance Rules contained in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 as amended.  Those rules did not apply to Cabinet nor to the Standards Committee.  The rules of political balance would apply to the new Recovery Committee.


In order to achieve political balance, it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8