Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2021/22

Meeting: 18/05/2021 - Cabinet (Item 131)

131 Council Plan 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Mullin introduced the report and explained that the Council Plan for 2017/23 was adopted with the purpose of setting out the key priorities of the Council for the current electoral term.  The plan was subject to annual review.


The Plan for 2021/22 had been reviewed and refreshed for structure and content and took into account continued recovery in addition to the longer-term strategic objectives.


The Council Plan was published as two documents.  Part 1 set out the intent, and Part 2 set out the risks, performance measures, targets and milestones against which achievement would be measured and evaluated.


The framework was built around six themes:


·         Economy;

·         Education and Skills;

·         Green Society and Environment;

·         Affordable and Accessible Housing;

·         Personal and Community Well-being; and

·         Poverty


The Chief Executive explained that each of the six themes was accompanied by a strategic statement which lent themselves to Well-being objectives.  The themes had been mapped against the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for reporting and accountability.  The delivery of the Plan was the responsibility of the Cabinet.  Part 1 had been shared with the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for review and comments; no significant change to Part 1 was required as the Committees were supportive.  Part 2 had been finalised for recommendation in the confidence that Members were supportive of Part 1 as the super-structure of the Plan.


The published Plan would be available on the Council’s website by the end of July.




(a)       That the Council Plan 2021/22 Part 1 in final form be approved for recommendation to Council; and


(b)       That the content of the Council Plan 2021/22 Part 2 be approved for addition to Part 1 for recommendation to Council.