Issue - meetings

Update on the Biodiversity Duty

Meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Update on the Biodiversity Duty pdf icon PDF 101 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Banks introduced the report which provided details on how the Council was making progress in delivering its biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty under Section 6 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016.


            The Council’s Biodiversity Duty Delivery Plan 2020-2023, titled ‘Supporting Nature in Flintshire’ was explained and the progress of action to deliver objectives was reviewed, highlighting key areas of biodiversity work within the county.


            The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) said this was a good example of what could be achieved, commenting on the successful grant applications that had been awarded.  It has been submitted to Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where it had been fully supported.


            In response to a question from Councillor Bithell, the Chief Officer said that the Council could provide advice to residents on the removal of Japanese Knotweed, but it could not enforce people to remove it.




That Members recognise and support the progress with the biodiversity strategy.