Issue - meetings
Meeting: 27/05/2021 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)
Additional documents:
That the Committee notes the progress made at Arosfa, and support the opportunity to provide additional flexible support for up to five children and their families, at any one time, with the aim of keeping families together and close to home.
The Senior Manager Integrated Services and Lead Adults; introduced the report to provide details of the new service model. She provided background information and advised that the new service would offer support for five children and was part of the Council’s strategic plan to reduce reliance on out-of-county placements. She invited Members to visit the facility to see the refurbishment work undertaken (subject to Covid requirements). The Senior Manager asked the Service Manager – Disability Recovery and Progression to provide further information around the model of care and shared care arrangements at AROSFA.
The Chair thanked Officers for their overview and commented that the report was inspiring. The Children’s Resource Manager said that the atmosphere in the facility was warm, homely, nurturing, and that the needs of the child were paramount.
Councillor Dave Mackie spoke in support of the additional service and said the opportunity to reduce reliance on expensive out of county placements was welcomed along with the potential to increase capacity for respite provision to support children and their families in Flintshire.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Dave Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Jean Davies.
That the Committee notes the progress made at Arosfa, and supports the opportunity to provide additional flexible support for up to five children and their families, at any one time, with the aim of keeping families together and close to home.