Issue - meetings
Developing In House Residential Care for Children
Meeting: 27/05/2021 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)
10 Developing In House Residential Care for Children PDF 118 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee support the move to become a direct provider of Residential Care for Children; and
(b) That the Committee support the priority projects for in house development; Arosfa, Ty Nyth, Emergency Provision and Small Group Homes, as outlined within the report.
The Senior Manager (Children & Workforce) introduced a report to support the move for the Council to become a direct provider of residential care for children. He provided background information and explained that it was important that the development of an in-house residential Children’s Care Home was seen as part of a whole system approach to supporting children and young people. This involved a number of complimentary projects which aimed to reduce the number of children looked after and support more children through local authority fostering, as detailed in the report.
The Senior Manager (Children & Workforce) advised that the Council was reliant on the independent sector for Children’s Residential Care provision which was expensive and unsustainable. Placements were often out of area which meant that children were located away from their families, friends, and local communities. To secure change the Council had set a commitment during the next three financial years to review the support provided for children and young people with a view to reducing and potentially removing the need for out of county placements and was working closely with the Council’s Housing and Education services, and the Health Service to enable children to be looked after and cared for locally.
In response to a question from the Chair the Senior Manager provided clarification around the financial costs associated with the Small Group Home provision and referred to revenue and capital costs.
In response to a question by Councillor Gladys Healey the Senior Manger advised that the Council did not have corporate parenting responsibility for children from Wrexham Borough Council. He explained that a legal agreement was being drafted to enable Wrexham Borough Council as a partner to make an appropriate contribution for the cost of care provision.
Members spoke in strong support of the pro-active initiatives proposed and thanked Officers for their work. The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor David Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Mike Lowe
(a) That the Committee support the move to become a direct provider of Residential Care for Children; and
(b) That the Committee support the priority projects for in house development; Arosfa, Ty Nyth, Emergency Provision and Small Group Homes, as outlined within the report