Issue - meetings
Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) Update
Meeting: 16/06/2021 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 8)
8 Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) Update PDF 116 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) Update, item 8 PDF 10 MB
- Enc. 2 for Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) Update, item 8 PDF 422 KB
- Webcast for Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) Update
That the Committee support the Capital Investment Programme in its final year of major investment, as the Council entered into the maintenance phase of the Welsh Housing Quality Standards.
The Housing & Assets Senior Manager introduced a report which provided an update on the delivery of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) the Council was delivering through its Capital Investment Programme. The report focussed on the external work elements of the programme along with achievements to date and maintaining the standard moving forward.
The Fencing and Garden improvement programme that commenced in 2015 had been developed into a more extensive programme, following the majority of internal and envelope works being completed to reach WHQS compliance. The programme would focus mainly on the property boundaries ensuring they were safe, secure and suitable and in line with the Council’s agreed specification/requirements. Also included within the programme would be paths, gardens and storage allocation. Details of the work streams were outlined within the report.
In response to a question from Councillor Brian Lloyd, the Housing & Assets Senior Manager agreed to discuss with the senior management team the possibility of walkabout sessions with Councillors in their Ward in order for Members to show issues which in their opinion, needed to be addressed.
In response to concerns raised by Councillor Ray Hughes around fencing replaced within his ward, the Housing & Assets Senior Manager agreed to speak to Councillor Hughes following the meeting and arrange a site visit in his ward.
The recommendation outlined within the report was moved by Councillor Ray Hughes and seconded by Councillor Kevin Rush.
That the Committee support the Capital Investment Programme in its final year of major investment, as the Council entered into the maintenance phase of the Welsh Housing Quality Standards.