Issue - meetings

Recovery Strategy Update

Meeting: 10/06/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Recovery Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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That the Committee notes the report and awaits guidance from the Recovery Committee on risks and issues to review in more detail within its Terms of Reference as part of its forward work programme.


The Chief Executive presented a report on the Terms of Reference of the new Recovery Committee which had been set up to co-ordinate the second phase of recovery by referring risks and issues to the respective Overview & Scrutiny Committees.  The updated set of corporate recovery objectives would be recommended to the Recovery Committee for adoption at its first meeting.


Councillor Richard Jones - who was to chair the Recovery Committee - spoke about its remit and cross-party membership.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Richard Jones and Patrick Heesom.




That the Committee notes the report and awaits guidance from the Recovery Committee on risks and issues to review in more detail within its Terms of Reference as part of its forward work programme.