Issue - meetings
A Plan for Shotton
Meeting: 16/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 67)
67 A Plan for Shotton PDF 109 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations.
The Senior Executive Officer introduced the report and explained that in February 2021, Cabinet endorsed the development of ‘A Plan for Shotton’, the production and delivery of which was to be overseen by a multi-agency Steering Group.
The programme of activity in Shotton had already seen some early successes, which were outlined in the report, along with proposals for next steps that would see broader engagement of partner organisations and the community to develop more detailed delivery plans. Risks were also highlighted for consideration and agreement of mitigating actions. The risks related predominantly to resource and capacity; roles and responsibilities; partner organisation and stakeholder engagement to date; and developing a realistic plan whilst managing expectations.
Engagement of wider partner organisations and stakeholders, to include broader representation on the Steering Group, would maximise the opportunity under the Plan to broker partnership relationships for working together to achieve shared aims and pool resources to maximise capacity to deliver local priority outcomes.
(a) That the high level strategic plan ‘A Plan for Shotton’, to set the strategic direction for work in Shotton from now until 2030, be approved;
(b) That further work to engage wider partners and stakeholders to develop more detailed underpinning delivery plans focused around action aligned to achievement of the four strategic objectives, as detailed in ‘A Plan for Shotton’, be endorsed;
(c) That the risks and mitigating actions be noted; and
(d) That the proactive communication/publicity to coincide with the report and accompanying plans be supported.