Issue - meetings

Corporate Recovery Risk Profile

Meeting: 17/06/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 6)

6 Corporate Recovery Risk Profile pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To receive a presentation on the updated Corporate Recovery Risk Register.

Additional documents:


That the latest risk register and risk mitigation actions within the corporate portfolios be noted.


The Chief Executive and Strategic Performance Advisor presented an update report on the Corporate Recovery Risk Register and Mitigations.


The Chief Officer (Governance), Corporate Finance Manager and Senior Manager for Human Resources & Organisational Development each provided an overview of the main changes and live issues on risk and recovery within their respective portfolios.  Some improvement was reported in the only red rated risk on the impact of increasing rent arrears on the stability of the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan.  As an ongoing risk, the Welsh Local Government Association was working with all Councils in Wales to plan for contingency measures due to the Welsh Government Hardship Fund nearing its end.


Councillor Hilary McGuill said that the risk of the workforce impact of schools operating in a different way (CW20a) should remain open due to the changing situation.  The Senior Manager advised that this applied to where schools had been closed and would be kept under review.  Similar risks on changing situations with schools (CW20 and CW24) remained open to reflect the impact on working parents and those with caring responsibilities.


In response to comments from the Chairman, the risk level on the potential for increased costs from suppliers of goods and services (CF10) reflected emerging evidence of a temporary impact on costs within the construction industry which was being monitored due to its impact on the Capital Programme.  The wording on mitigating actions on the risk around the impact of increased rent arrears (CF14), would be updated following the update given to the Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Vicky Perfect asked about support for the health and wellbeing of the workforce during the emergency and was given examples of various initiatives by the Senior Manager.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Patrick Heesom and Geoff Collett.


The Committee supported the Chief Executive’s suggestion that the Committee receive a full update in July or August prior to specific risks being reported to Overview & Scrutiny Committees where possible, for example through regular Revenue Budget Monitoring and Workforce agenda items.




That the latest risk register and risk mitigation actions within the corporate portfolios be noted.