Issue - meetings
Portfolio Recovery Business Plans
Meeting: 17/06/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 7)
7 Portfolio Recovery Business Plans PDF 93 KB
To begin a review of the Recovery Business Plans for each of the five service portfolios beginning with Planning, Environment and Economy as a working example.
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Planning, Env & Economy Recovery Business Plan, item 7 PDF 278 KB
- Webcast for Portfolio Recovery Business Plans
(a) That the Portfolio Recovery Business Plan format and content be noted; and
(b) That the Committee is assured by the Planning, Environment and Economy Portfolio Recovery Business Plan, and will refer any further and specific risk management work to the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees as is necessary.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) presented the Recovery Business Plan for his portfolio, for the Committee to review the format and content as a working example. He highlighted key areas such as the resilience of various teams due to unprecedented demand to services during the emergency situation, the delivery of the Local Development Plan and the implementation of the back-office system. On income loss, he paid tribute to funding made available by the Welsh Government accessed by the Finance team.
The Chief Executive suggested that the Committee may wish to focus on the Public Protection service where resources had been in overwhelming demand during the emergency.
The Chief Officer said that whilst Environmental Health resources had been maintained in Flintshire over the years, there had been significant demand for these services. He paid tribute to the resilience within teams for dealing with these challenges and highlighted increased demand on services for flooding and town centre recovery.
When asked by the Chairman about support for town centre recovery, the Chief Officer spoke about the current recruitment process and Tactical Group work streams featured in the next agenda item.
Whilst Councillor Ian Roberts acknowledged the need to support town centres, he said that services in smaller communities were equally important to residents.
The recommendations in the report were moved and seconded by Councillors Hilary McGuill and David Healey.
It was agreed that the remaining service portfolio Recovery Business Plans would be emailed to the Committee, and a summary of each presented at the July and August meetings with presentations highlighting the main issues.
(a) That the Portfolio Recovery Business Plan format and content be noted; and
(b) That the Committee is assured by the Planning, Environment and Economy Portfolio Recovery Business Plan, and will refer any further and specific risk management work to the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees as is necessary.