Issue - meetings

Forward Work Programme and Meeting Schedule

Meeting: 17/06/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 10)

Forward Work Programme and Meeting Schedule (verbal)

To set the Forward Work Programme for the Recovery Committee including future meeting dates.

Additional documents:


That the agenda items for July and August be agreed as discussed.


The items for the next two meetings were:


15 July

·         Summarised Recovery Business Plans for Social Services and Education & Youth; and

·         Enterprise & Regeneration Manager to present on Tactical Group work to support town centres.


5 August

·         Summarised Recovery Business Plans for Streetscene & Transportation and Housing & Assets; and

·         Benefits Manager to present on work of the Poverty and Vulnerability Recovery Tactical Group.


In addition, the full updated Corporate Risk Register would be shared at one of those meetings together with an update on the local position.  Dates of meetings and presentation slides would be circulated to the Committee.


This was moved by the Chairman and seconded by Councillor Hilary McGuill.




That the agenda items for July and August be agreed as discussed.