Issue - meetings

Early Years

Meeting: 01/07/2021 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

17 Early Years pdf icon PDF 191 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee support the approach to Early Years and Family Support provision, and collaborations with key partners, and future development of an Early Years Strategy;


(b)       That the progress and impact being achieved through Welsh Government capital funding be noted;


(c)        That the Committee support the development of programmes with a strong evidence base of impact and cost effectiveness when commissioning early years and early intervention services. And that the council and partners continue to develop its own local evidence base to support positive early intervention; and


(d)       That the Committee support the refresh of the Parenting in Flintshire

Parenting Programmes Framework, and support action being taken to raise awareness and the benefits of parenting programmes with key partners so that there is an increase in accessibility and availability of programmes that meet parent’s needs.


The Early Years and Family Support Service Manager shared a short video showing the progress to date of some of the capital work that had happened around Flintshire for the 3 to 4 Year Old Funded Childcare Offer and some of the Flying Start Capital Funding that had been received from Welsh Government.


The Chair asked how we reached out to families where English was not their first language particularly Eastern Europeans who may not have family here to support them with childcare to enable them to work.  The Early Years and Family Support Service Manager advised that the large capital schemes were primarily for 3 to 4 year old Funded Childcare which supported working parents, and children funded through the Childcare Offer.  However, if places were available the childcare places could be made available to other ages of children based upon the Settings CIW registration.  Welsh Government may change the Childcare Offer eligibility criteria in the future to include parents in training which would widen the scope.  As for Early Entitlement places, these were linked with childcare and education which were opened out to anyone who was interested.  Childcare would be registered in the usual way for people to apply and the demographic was monitored to see who was making use of the facilities.


Councillor Mackie congratulated theEarly Years and Family Support Service Manager on an excellent report as it had so much information covered in each paragraph in section one and that each paragraph could have been a separate report for this Committee.  He also added that appendix was simple to read and understand.


Councillor Marion Bateman reported that the progress on the new building at Ysgol Sychdyn was progressing well.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.




(a)       That the Committee support the approach to Early Years and Family Support provision, and collaborations with key partners, and future development of an Early Years Strategy;


(b)       That the progress and impact being achieved through Welsh Government capital funding be noted;


(c)        That the Committee support the development of programmes with a strong evidence base of impact and cost effectiveness when commissioning early years and early intervention services. And that the council and partners continue to develop its own local evidence base to support positive early intervention; and


(d)       That the Committee support the refresh of the Parenting in Flintshire

Parenting Programmes Framework, and support action being taken to raise awareness and the benefits of parenting programmes with key partners so that there is an increase in accessibility and availability of programmes that meet parent’s needs.