Issue - meetings

Town Centre Markets

Meeting: 06/07/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

15 Town Centre Markets pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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That the current status of the markets in Flintshire and the work which the Council has undertaken to support them be noted.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) introduced a report to give an update on local markets within Flintshire.  He provided background information and reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report.  He commented on the challenge and evolving impact of the pandemic on street and indoor markets and local businesses during the last 12 months.  He explained that the Council had supported market businesses during the pandemic and had promoted the importance of local business and local shopping to residents.  The Chief Officer said he would welcome Members’ views on further investment in local street markets.


            The Chair referred to the questions she had received from street market traders in Holywell and said that they felt they were not being treated the same as market traders in Mold and cited an example. 


            Councillor Joe Johnson asked if market traders who were successful in other areas could be enticed to trade in Flintshire.  The Chief Officer acknowledged the point and explained that some markets operated from a permanent site and were open to the public on more days and longer hours than the local markets, however, there was potential which could be looked into further. 


Councillor Vicky Perfect commented that due to the pandemic many people now preferred to shop outside and locally and suggested that consideration be given to reintroducing a market in Flint.


Councillor Chris Bithell commented on the lack of parking provision for market traders in Mold and said there was a need for collaboration between the markets department and streetscene services to resolve current issues.  The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy agreed to take the matter up with the relevant service areas. 


Councillor George Hardcastle asked what fees were charged for trading in local markets.  The Chief Officer agreed to circulate a copy of the Authority’s current fees to the Committee prior to the next meeting.


            Councillor Owen Thomas spoke in support of Mold market. 


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson asked that Buckley be included in the review of current markets in Flintshire with a view to establishing a market in the area to increase footfall in the town.


Councillor Bithell spoke of the need to introduce new businesses and encourage entrepreneurship into local market trading which if successful could create opportunities for permanent trade and employment in the local area. 


The recommendation was moved by Councillor Joe Johnson and seconded by Councillor Owen Thomas.




That the current status of the markets in Flintshire is reviewed and the work which the Council has undertaken to support them be noted.