Issue - meetings
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2021/22 (Interim)
Meeting: 08/07/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)
19 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2021/22 (Interim) PDF 76 KB
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That having considered the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2021/22 (Interim) report, the Committee confirms that there are no issues which it wishes to raise with Cabinet.
The Corporate Finance Manager introduced a report on the interim in-year budget monitoring position for 2021/22 for the Council Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA). This was an exception report on potential significant variances which may impact on the financial position in 2021/22 and progress in achieving planned efficiencies against targets set for the year.
Amongst the key considerations was the continuation of retrospective claims to the Welsh Government (WG) Hardship Fund up to September 2021, noting the uncertainty on whether this would be extended should restrictions continue. An update was given on open risks including the impact of the pay award, Out of County Placements and Contingence Reserves including ring-fenced amounts.
The Chief Executive said that although the overall summary reflected a positive interim position, there were a number of significant risks due to uncertainty on the continuation of WG funding and contributions to nationally agreed pay awards.
On Out of County Placements, Councillor Richard Jones suggested that the Committee could write to WG to reiterate the Council’s lack of control over these cost pressures.
The Chief Executive said that all Councils in Wales were collectively engaging with WG on national or market-led cost pressures by sharing evidence and detailed analysis on the impact of key issues including Out of County Placements.
Councillor Ian Roberts said that the development of services within Flintshire would help to reduce the number of Out of County Placements. He said that robust discussions were taking place with WG on pay awards for teachers.
The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Richard Jones and Geoff Collett.
That having considered the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2021/22 (Interim) report, the Committee confirms that there are no issues which it wishes to raise with Cabinet.