Issue - meetings
Corporate Recovery Objectives
Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 14)
14 Corporate Recovery Objectives PDF 113 KB
To note progress made against the Corporate Recovery Objectives.
Additional documents:
That the Committee is assured by progress in meeting the recovery objectives.
The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report to provide an update on the corporate objectives adopted by the Recovery Committee at the previous meeting held on 17 June. He provided background information and advised that the 6 objectives were set out in the report which reflected the current position.
The Corporate Finance Manager reported on the objectives for Finance as detailed in the report. He responded to the questions raised by the Chair on the contingency reserve. The Chief Officer and Corporate Finance Manager also, responded to the questions from Councillor Hilary McGuill concerning debt recovery. It was agreed that the Revenues Manager would circulate information on debt recovery to the Committee following the meeting.
The Senior Manager - Human Resources & Organisational Development reported on the objectives for Workforce as detailed in the report.
The Chief Officer (Governance) reported on the objectives for Governance, Service Recovery, Community Recovery, and Regional Recovery as detailed in the report.
Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to Community Recovery and the priorities listed in the report on poverty. She raised concerns around the consequences of debt and asked how people were being helped to recover from debt. The Benefits Manager acknowledged the points raised by Councillor McGuill and referred to the priorities in the Council Plan and work in the Community Recovery around debt. She said the end of the furlough scheme was expected to have a significant impact on the Authority’s income and debt position and referred to a scheme provided by the Welsh Government to support people in the private rented sector who did not qualify for benefits (Tenancy Hardship Scheme) and the discretionary housing payment scheme for people who were receiving benefits to assist people with rent arrears. The Benefits Manager also reported on the work of the Welfare Reform Team which provided an holistic service to support people to recover from debt. It was agreed that the Benefits Manager would circulate the contact details for the Welfare Reform Team to the Committee following the meeting.
The recommendation was moved by Councillor Patrick Heesom and seconded by Councillor Hilary McGuill.
That the Committee is assured by progress in meeting the recovery objectives.