Issue - meetings
Corporate Recovery Risk Register
Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 15)
15 Corporate Recovery Risk Profile PDF 92 KB
To review the updated Corporate Recovery Risk
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Corporate Risk Register, item 15 PDF 145 KB
- Appendix 2: Corporate Risk Mitigations, item 15 PDF 176 KB
- Webcast for Corporate Recovery Risk Profile
That the latest risk register and risk mitigation actions within the corporate portfolios be noted.
The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report to provide an update on the Corporate Recovery Risk Register and Mitigations (as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report). He provided background information and explained this was an improving situation. The Strategic Performance Advisor reported on the analysis of the current status and trend of risks as detailed in the report and appendices.
The Corporte Finance Manager provided an overview on the main changes and live issues on risks as reported on the Corporate Recovery Risk Register for Finance.
The Senior Manager for Human Resources & Organisational Development provided an overview of the main changes and live issues on risk and recovery within the Workforce portfolio. She responded to the query raised by Councillor McGuill regarding the amber rating for risk CW20 and explained this had been merged with CW24. The Senior Manager and Strategic Performance Adviser responded to the queries raised by the Chairman on risks CW20, CW09, and CW14 and agreed to update the Recovery Risk Register as necessary.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Hilary McGuill and seconded by Councillor Patrick Heesom.
That the latest risk register and risk mitigation actions within the corporate portfolios be noted.