Issue - meetings
Penn Review of the Ethical Standards Framework
Meeting: 06/09/2021 - Standards Committee (Item 15)
15 Review of the Ethical Standards Framework PDF 90 KB
To alert the Committee to the existence of and timeline for a review of the whole framework for promoting good conduct that has been commissioned by Welsh Government.
Additional documents:
That the Committee notes the report and awaits the outcome of the review.
The Monitoring Officer presented an update on the Review of the Ethical Standards Framework being undertaken by Richard Penn on behalf of the Welsh Government (WG), as reported at the previous meeting.
Following the consultation period, a series of recommendations had been submitted to WG for consideration and response in the Autumn. Any legislation required as a result of the review would be passed before the end of this local government term. The report and response from WG would be scheduled on the Committee’s forward work programme once it was published.
The recommendation in the report was moved and seconded by Councillors Arnold Woolley and Gladys Healey.
That the Committee notes the report and awaits the outcome of the review.