Issue - meetings
Development of a Corporate Self-Assessment Model
Meeting: 28/07/2021 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 18)
18 Development of a Self-Assessment Model PDF 90 KB
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That the proposed model for the first and trial corporate self-assessment be endorsed.
The Chief Executive introduced the report on the development of a Corporate Self-Assessment Model to review the Council’s effectiveness in exercising its functions, use of resources and governance. In support of the Council’s track record on self-assessment, the report set out the proposed three-stage process for a ‘trial’ model to prepare for implementation of the statutory duty from April 2022.
The Chief Officer (Governance) spoke about the potential for the Committee to be involved in the second stage to test initial conclusions in addition to fulfilling its statutory role to review the Model prior to consideration by Cabinet in the third stage.
In welcoming the report, Sally Ellis spoke in support of the proposed arrangements including the monitoring of appropriate resources. On the second stage, she noted that targeted community engagement linked with objectives within the Annual Governance Statement.
The Chief Executive suggested that use of existing relevant consultation could inform the first stage of evidence-gathering to help identify areas of deficiency moving forward.
The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Janet Axworthy and Martin White.
That the proposed model for the first and trial corporate self-assessment be endorsed.