Issue - meetings

Streetscene and Transportation Portfolio Recovery Business Plan

Meeting: 05/08/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 24)

24 Streetscene and Transportation Portfolio Recovery Business Plan pdf icon PDF 132 KB

To review the Recovery Business Plan for the Streetscene and Transportation Portfolio.

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Streetscene & Transportation Portfolio  Recovery Business Plan content be noted;


(b)       That the Committee is assured by the Streetscene & Transportation Portfolio Recovery Business Plan;


(c)        That the following be referred to the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee:-


·         impact of the pandemic on prioritising highway schemes, gulley emptying, grass cutting, and flooding.


(d)       That the following be referred to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee:- 


·         a report on the impact of self-isolation on the workforce be submitted to the next meeting of the  Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny committee in September.


·         the impact of the pandemic, supply chain delays, and inflation on the capital programme be considered by the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee



The Regulatory Service Manager presented the Recovery Business Plan for the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio.  She reported on the recovery objectives concerning service delivery as detailed in the report, and advised that all services were now fully operational.  She also gave an overview of the recovery risks as detailed in the report and said that there were currently 26 risks which were being actively monitored (3 red, 13 amber, 3 yellow, 7 green and 14 closed).  


Councillor Marion Bateman raised a concern regarding the postponement and  prioritising of schemes scheduled under the highway construction works.  The Regulatory Services Manager  said she would seek further information on a specific scheme raised by Councillor Bateman following the meeting.


Councillor Glyn Banks paid tribute to officers and employees in the Streetscene and Transportation service for their work and resilience throughout the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.


Councillor David Healey commented on the impact of climate change on resources and the recovery of services.


In response to the comments and concerns made by Councillors Marion Bateman and David Healey, the Chairman suggested that the matters raised could be referred to the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  The Chief Executive explained that the compounded impact of supply chain delays on the capital programmes (including all schemes) would be considered.  He also said that the resources and commitment to climate change and flooding was not  affected by recovery work and flood prevention and response capacity was being enhanced for next year.


The Regulatory Services Manager  responded to the questions raised by Councillor Hilary McGuill concerning recording of data on the vaccination and self-isolation of front-line employees.  She advised that self-isolation of employees was recorded monthly  to monitor and assess the impact of the pandemic on forward planning.  The Chief Executive explained that the Council was not allowed to hold a record of vaccination of employees as this was private data which belonged to the individual.  In response to Councillor McGuill’s comments he suggested that a report on workforce impacts  across the Council be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.


Referring to the concerns expressed by Councillor David Healey around the impact of climate change, and specifically on the problem of local flooding, Councillor Ian Roberts suggested that a meeting be held with Welsh Water to consider their modelling programmes.  Councillor Roberts took the opportunity to thank all employees in the Streetscene and Transportation Service for their sterling work during the pandemic. 


In response to the comments made by Councillor Patrick Heesom the Regulatory Services Manager  agreed to discuss the issues raised regarding transport with Councillor Heesom with a view to resolving local issues. 



The Chairman commented on the need for grass cutting on verges and public footpaths along highways and said this was causing complaints to be made in some areas by the general public.  Councillor Paul Cunningham also expressed concerns around overhanging hedges/branches on public footpaths. 


The Regulatory Services Manager  gave reassurance that full service delivery was being resumed within the constraints of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24