Issue - meetings
Flintshire Financial Sustainability Assessment Final report
Meeting: 16/09/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)
33 Flintshire Financial Sustainability Assessment Final report PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Cabinet report, item 33 PDF 84 KB
- Enc. 2 - Audit Wales report, item 33 PDF 391 KB
- Webcast for Flintshire Financial Sustainability Assessment Final report
That the Committee notes the report and confirms that there are no issues to be brought to the attention of Cabinet.
The Chief Executive introduced the report on the findings of the Council’s Financial Sustainability Assessment by Audit Wales following a review of all Councils across Wales. A formal response was not required as the report presented a fair reflection of the Council’s financial position with no new issues to report. The item was received for information in line with the protocol for regulatory reports.
In presenting the findings, the Corporate Finance Manager welcomed recognition of the Council’s ‘clear, well communicated financial strategy’, past performance on the achievement of efficiencies and spend compared to budget. He highlighted comments on the Welsh Government Hardship Fund to help recover lost income and the Council’s use of reserves.
Matt Edwards said that the report concluded the second phase of financial sustainability assessment work by Audit Wales during 2020-21 following the baseline assessment of the initial impact of the pandemic in 2019-20.
Gwilym Bury advised that all national reports were being published on the Audit Wales website, with a national summary report to be published later in the year.
It was noted that the Council’s projected funding gap for 2022-23 reflected the position at the time of the review and had since increased as reported earlier in the meeting.
Councillor Geoff Collett thanked the officers for the positive report as did Councillor Paul Johnson who was pleased to note there were no new recommendations for the Council.
The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Andy Williams and Kevin Rush.
That the Committee notes the report and confirms that there are no issues to be brought to the attention of Cabinet.