Issue - meetings
Budget 2022/23 - Stage 2
Meeting: 13/10/2021 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 15)
15 Budget 2022/23 - Stage 2 PDF 103 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee supports the Housing and Assets Portfolio cost pressures; and
(b) That no further cost efficiency areas be proposed by the Committee to be explored further.
The Chief Executive, Corporate Finance Manager and Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) introduced the second budget stage report which detailed the forecast and the cost pressures which would make-up the total budget requirement.
A report to Cabinet and the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee in July provided an updated position on the budget for 2022/23. The cost pressures identified were referred to the respective Overview & Scrutiny Committees with a request that they all undergo a rigorous review. The details of the cost pressures for Education and Youth were included in the report.
The Chief Executive, Corporate Finance Manager and Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) provided a detailed presentation which covered the following areas:-
- Purpose and Background
- Summary Totals of Cost Pressures
- Housing & Assets Portfolio Cost Pressures 2022/23
ØHousing & Assets Pressures
- Strategic Solutions
- Update on Efficiencies
- Budget Timelines
The Benefits Manager reported on Council Tax Reduction and commented that they had seen a significant increase in expenditure. She added that a great deal of significant support was about to come to an end (furlough scheme and tax credits) which would have an impact. The Benefits Manager gave an overview to the Committee on the exposure level and commented that there would be a significant impact for Universal Credit and that the service for the scheme had been scaled up to provide comprehensive measures to help with advice and support to the public and household income.
The Benefits Manager also commented on the ‘Help You’ scheme for Council tenants and fuel support due to the increase in fuel pricing and the grant for tenancy hardship.
The recommendations outlined within the report were moved by Councillor Ron Davies and seconded by Councillor Dennis Hutchinson.
(a) That the Committee supports the Housing and Assets Portfolio cost pressures; and
(b) That no further cost efficiency areas be proposed by the Committee to be explored further.