Issue - meetings
Review of Winter Maintenance Policy
Meeting: 14/09/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)
22 Review of Winter Maintenance Policy PDF 121 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Review of Winter Maintenance Policy, item 22 PDF 4 MB
- Webcast for Review of Winter Maintenance Policy
(a) That the outcome of the review of the Winter Maintenance Policy 2021-2023 (Appendix 1) and procedures for delivering the winter maintenance service operations, along with the County’s response to other adverse weather events, be approved; and
(b) That the need to maintain the budget at present levels, ‘top up’ the reserve by £150k and carry forward an MTFS revenue pressure for 2023/24 onwards be supported.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced a report to seek comment on the review of the Council’s Winter Maintenance Policy. She provided background information and advised that the report outlined the current Policy (as appended), the legislative requirements of providing such a service, and the actions taken by the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio to support the winter maintenance service operations. In addition, the report outlined the County’s response to other adverse weather events such as flooding and high winds.
The Highway Network Manager presented the key considerations as detailed in the report. In response to a query from the Chair, he explained the need to ‘top-up’ the reserve fund by £150k to prevent the Service from reaching an overspend position on the planned budget and reserve balance.
Councillors Owen Thomas, Dennis Hutchinson and George Hardcastle expressed concerns around the problem of blocked gulleys. The Chief Officer acknowledged the points made and explained that a review was being undertaken around the frequency and timeliness of maintenance of gulleys and further information would be included in a report to the Committee at a meeting on 9 November. Officers explained that the Streetscene Standards were to be reviewed next year and the frequency of gulley emptying was part of the standards. In response to the further concerns expressed by Members, Officers explained that the gulley emptying service was operational throughout the year and a number of projects were ongoing and additional resources applied to improve service following the impact of a storm last January.
The recommendations were moved by Councillor Joe Johnson and seconded by Councillor George Hardcastle.
(a) That the outcome of the review of the Winter Maintenance Policy 2021-2023 (Appendix 1) and procedures for delivering the winter maintenance service operations, along with the County’s response to other adverse weather events, be approved; and
(b) That the need to maintain the budget at present levels, ‘top up’ the reserve by £150k and carry forward an MTFS revenue pressure for 2023/24 onwards be supported.